Камуфляж Mountain sniper suit

Камуфляж Mountain sniper suit

Оригинальное название: Нет данных

Переведенное название: Нет данных

История: Нет данных

Использование: Used by the Yugoslav National Army (JNA). According to several sources it should still be in use by some ex-Yugoslav countries (eg. Macedonia)

Расцветка: The pattern is quite hard to describe: it has several ground colours and looks like it has been spray painted with other colours.

Дополнительная информация: A source states that the material was produced in DDR (East Germany), sent to Yugoslavia as compensation for WW2. It is a lightweight oversuit for wearing over the normal uniform - it has no pockets but there are holes in the suit for accessing the pockets of the normal uniform. The suit has a very large hood, mittens and buttons with the Yugoslav star.

Камуфляж Mountain sniper suit
Камуфляж Mountain sniper suit Камуфляж Mountain sniper suit


Теги: Армия, Снайпер

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