Камуфляж M54 paratroopers smock

Камуфляж M54 paratroopers smock

Оригинальное название: M54

Переведенное название: Нет данных

История: Introduced in 1954.

Использование: This smock was used by the Belgian paratroopers. Later replaced with the "jigsaw pattern"

Расцветка: Brown and green "brush strokes" on a light green background

Дополнительная информация: The jacket has a "beaver tail" and a lot of snap buttons. The front pockets have two rows of snap buttons - so they could be closed depending on how much was in the pockets.

Камуфляж M54 paratroopers smock
Камуфляж M54 paratroopers smock Камуфляж M54 paratroopers smock Камуфляж M54 paratroopers smock


Теги: Пилообразный, Десант

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